Register a Hong Kong Company

As an international financial centre, Hong Kong is favored by worldwide investors due to its established legal system, simplified taxation system, low taxation rate, well-equipped infrastructure and communication facilities, and high quality professionals. Hong Kong offers unlimited business opportunities, and serves as a platform to global economy and commerce, whose advantages are well known, so tens of thousands of international businesses benefit from setting up a company in Hong Kong.

Here is some general guide you will need to set up a limited company in Hong Kong.

1. Required Information

2. Registered Office Address in Hong Kong

Hong Kong Companies Registry is required to provide proof of ownership or lease of the registered office address. If you do not finalize your operational details or do not need a full office space, you may consider renting a virtual office. These virtual offices will provide you with a business address, usually with additional administrative services, for a small fee.

3. Corporate Bank Account and/or Capital

To register and set up your company, you need to provide your business capital information. You can open a bank account in Hong Kong. They usually require a minimum deposit, which varies from bank to bank. If you are registered as an existing company overseas, you can submit proof of your business in a bank account. Hong Kong banks usually charge between HK $ 10,000 and HK $ 15,000 to process the account and need to maintain a minimum balance of approximately HK $ 25,000.

4. Employ a Company Secretary

Any Hong Kong permanent resident may become a company secretary. Their duties include ensuring that the company's administrative matters are properly explained and that the directors of the company comply with regulatory documents such as annual shareholders' meetings and returns. Your company will of course also need at least one director to be appointed by shareholders to notify the disclosure. Hong Kong permanent residents can fulfill all three roles of the company, but if the company has only one director (the sole director), the person can not.