天星三有限公司 was incorporated on 05-OCT-2020 as a Private company limited by shares in Hong Kong. It's company registration number is: 2982596.The Company Status: Live.
Company Info
- CR No: 2982596
- Company Name: 天星三有限公司
- Company Name (Traditional Chinese):
- Date of Incorporation: 05-OCT-2020
- Company Type: Private company limited by shares
- Status: Live
- Remarks: -
- Winding Up Mode: -
- Date of Dissolution: -
- Register of Charges: Unavailable
- Important Note: -
- Name History: 05-OCT-2020 天星三有限公司
- Updated: 05-OCT-2020
- Previous: 天星二有限公司
- What is the CR No of 天星三有限公司 company?
- The CR No of 天星三有限公司 is 2982596
- What is the registration or incorporation date of 天星三有限公司 company?
- The 天星三有限公司 was incorporated on 05-OCT-2020
- What is the company type description of 天星三有限公司 company?
- The company type description of 天星三有限公司 company is Private company limited by shares
- What is the address of 天星三有限公司 company?
- The address of 天星三有限公司 company is Unavailable
- What is the postal code of 天星三有限公司 company?
- The postal code of 天星三有限公司 company is Unavailable
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