1Lab Hong Kong Limited

1Lab Hong Kong Limited was incorporated on 14-JUL-2021 as a Private company limited by shares in Hong Kong. It's company registration number is: 3067244.The Company Status: Live.

Company Info

CR No. 3067244
Company Name 1Lab Hong Kong Limited
Company Name (Traditional Chinese)
Date of Incorporation 14-JUL-2021
Company Type Private company limited by shares
Status Live
Remarks -
Winding Up Mode -
Date of Dissolution -
Register of Charges Unavailable
Important Note -
Name History 14-JUL-2021 1Lab Hong Kong Limited
Updated 14-JUL-2021
Previous: 新百倫有限公司
Next: 25 Yale Street Holdings Co., Limited


What is the CR No of 1Lab Hong Kong Limited company?
The CR No of 1Lab Hong Kong Limited is 3067244
What is the registration or incorporation date of 1Lab Hong Kong Limited company?
The 1Lab Hong Kong Limited was incorporated on 14-JUL-2021
What is the company type description of 1Lab Hong Kong Limited company?
The company type description of 1Lab Hong Kong Limited company is Private company limited by shares
What is the address of 1Lab Hong Kong Limited company?
The address of 1Lab Hong Kong Limited company is Unavailable
What is the postal code of 1Lab Hong Kong Limited company?
The postal code of 1Lab Hong Kong Limited company is Unavailable

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