360 Sanitization Service Company Limited

360 Sanitization Service Company Limited was incorporated on 25-02-2022 in Hong Kong. It's company registration number is: 3130888.The Company Status: Live.

Company Info

CR No. 3130888
Company Name 360 Sanitization Service Company Limited
Company Name (Traditional Chinese) 360消毒有限公司
Date of Incorporation 25-02-2022
Company Type
Status Live
Winding Up Mode
Date of Dissolution
Register of Charges
Important Note
Name History 25-02-2022 360 Sanitization Service Company Limited
Updated 25-02-2022
Previous: 28 Property Group (Hong Kong) Limited
Next: 德智創科有限公司


What is the CR No of 360 Sanitization Service Company Limited company?
The CR No of 360 Sanitization Service Company Limited is 3130888
What is the registration or incorporation date of 360 Sanitization Service Company Limited company?
The 360 Sanitization Service Company Limited was incorporated on 25-02-2022
What is the company type description of 360 Sanitization Service Company Limited company?
The company type description of 360 Sanitization Service Company Limited company is
What is the address of 360 Sanitization Service Company Limited company?
The address of 360 Sanitization Service Company Limited company is Unavailable
What is the postal code of 360 Sanitization Service Company Limited company?
The postal code of 360 Sanitization Service Company Limited company is Unavailable

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