正信創科有限公司 was incorporated on 08-Sep-2021 as a Private company limited by shares in Hong Kong. It's company registration number is: 3083898.The Company Status: Live.
CR No. | 3083898 |
Company Name | 正信創科有限公司 |
Company Name (Traditional Chinese) | |
Date of Incorporation | 08-Sep-2021 |
Company Type | Private company limited by shares |
Status | Live |
Remarks | - |
Winding Up Mode | - |
Date of Dissolution | |
Register of Charges | Unavailable |
Important Note | - |
Name History | 2021-9-8 正信創科有限公司 |
Updated | 08-Sep-2021 |
Previous: 8KAN17 INTERNATIONAL LIMITED Next: 暉耀一有限公司 |
What is the CR No of 正信創科有限公司 company? |
The CR No of 正信創科有限公司 is 3083898 |
What is the registration or incorporation date of 正信創科有限公司 company? |
The 正信創科有限公司 was incorporated on 08-Sep-2021 |
What is the company type description of 正信創科有限公司 company? |
The company type description of 正信創科有限公司 company is Private company limited by shares |
What is the address of 正信創科有限公司 company? |
The address of 正信創科有限公司 company is Unavailable |
What is the postal code of 正信創科有限公司 company? |
The postal code of 正信創科有限公司 company is Unavailable |
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